
Saam Hashemi is an award winning producer, engineer, composer, songwriter and photographer. Based in Toronto, Canada, his work has taken him all over the world from the UK to the States. He has had his both his photographic work published and his music production and songwriting work has been featured on TV, film and radio.

Saam Hashemi profile picture shot biography black and white camera marina hashemi hat
© Marina Hashemi

As a producer, Saam drives the artists he works with hard. Equally comfortable programming synthesisers and sequencers to getting the perfect drum sound, he likes to ensure that everything off the floor sounds as close to a finished record as possible. Paying attention to capturing a bands vibe and energy is key and Saam likes to use a “live off the floor” approach where possible to record the excitement and magic coming from the players in the studio. He has an experienced ear that caters to a broad range of styles from electronica to boogie boogie to country. He has recorded it all. He has recorded in studios across the world from Abbey Road in London, England through to the legendary Sun Studios in Memphis.

An in demand portrait photographer, Saam uses traditional methods for his work. He uses both 35mm and medium format film cameras for his work and develops and prints his own negatives. He finds that shooting on film allows for a less frantic approach and the process allows him to truly connect with his subjects and to capture the perfect shot.