New York, New York

Is there anywhere in the world that is like New York City? I remember the first time I visited it in my twenties, I could hardly contain my excitement. I could not wait to walk around the city and take it all in, the city I had learned to love through the countless classic movies that showcased Manhattan. Everywhere you walk in midtown your eyes are taken up, up, up…

Whenever I visit a city, even one I have been to or even lived in such as London, I do my best to avoid taking the subway. I love walking through the streets and watching as one neighbourhood slowly blends into another and seeing the changes in architecture, culture and indeed poverty across the city. It has been a while since my last visit there but here are a selection of images from the handful of times I have been lucky enough to go.

Radio City
Grand Central Station
Greenwich Village
Downtown Manhattan
Mid Town
5th Avenue, Manhattan
Silvercup, Brooklyn