
As a visual artist, Saam’s preferred medium is a camera loaded with black and white film. Fascinated by the magic of film photography, he has been using 35mm and medium format film for over 10 years. Although he does do work in colour too he loves the freedom of expression that composing in black and white gives him. It allows the viewer to perceive things that they otherwise may not have noticed with the distraction of colour.

Saam Hashemi photographer leica camera marina hashemi
© Marina Hashemi

His work has been featured in printed press campaigns for artists and used for album artwork. He loves shooting outside with natural light weather permitting and doesn’t usually shoot more than a few rolls of film per shoot with a client. By using film he finds he better connects with the client on a personal level instead of staring at the LCD screen on the back of the camera. He finds that this leads to him being able to get great shots within the first few frames. Once done shooting he develops all his own black and white work and then can either work in the darkroom on the images to make silver prints or can scan the negatives to digitise and edit them. When editing digitally, his turnaround is within a few days.

Take your time to have a look through the various images below. They show a selection of Saam’s oeuvre.

lips teeth erotic kiss black white sensual abstract surreal
Abstract & Surreal
Objets Trouves